Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Every muscle in my body is screaming. Ballet is kicking my butt, and it's only been three days! I'm excited, though. I ought to be in killer shape by the end of the winter session, which is mid February. Just in time for Valentine's Day! My biggest motivation came the other night.

I was in my skivvies, fresh out of the shower, and leaning over my dresser drawer looking for some pajama pants. When to my utter horror and disbelief, I heard Ismael involuntarily say, "Ew..."

"Did you just 'ew' my butt?!" I asked, completely shocked.

"Uh..." He was caught off guard. His eyes kept darting from side to side. Clearly he hadn't meant for his 'ew' to be audible. "No," he lied.

"Yes, you did!!!" I screamed at him.

"Well, you have to tone up," he explained, matter of factly, "especially where your legs meet your butt."

Easy for him to say. He's a guy! His ONE problem area is his midsection, which isn't even a problem yet because he's only 28. I have to contend with my midsection, cellulite, and wrinkles. Wtf?!

Needless to say, I was completely self-conscious for the next two days. But if I can't take brutal honesty, then I wouldn't be me. I'm determined to step up my workout regimen. Ballet, running, and LOTS of ab exercises. Bring it on!

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