Sunday, January 3, 2010


My resolution for 2010 is to get back into shape. Tomorrow I start day one of ballet classes at Glendale Community College. Though I've not completely slacked off on my working out (and I never will), I've definitely allowed myself to eat with abandon. Some of the delectable dishes that attributed to my mushy physique.

Birria is a spicy Mexican meat soup served with tortillas, lime, cilantro, and onion. Though it's normally made with goat or lamb, Ismael's mom made this birria with beef. I ate it with homemade flour tortillas. Spicy and soooooo good...

When I first started dating Ismael over four years ago, we used to prolong our dates by having dessert. Now that whimsy has come to bite us in the ass. We are completely addicted to sweets. For Christmas, I baked a dark chocolate cake with chocolate ganache frosting and covered each slice with fresh strawberries. YUM-O.

Crunchy, savory, and full of flavor, milanesa is a staple in countries such as Argentina and Brazil. But Mexicans are increasingly cooking milanesa beef or chicken, and adding it to their tacos. Ismael bought three filets of beef milanesa at our neighborhood Mexican meat market, pounded them, double breaded them, and fried them to golden crispy goodness.

Brussel sprouts must be in season because they're being sold by the stalks at Trader Joe's for a mere $2.99. I whipped up a brussel sprout petal salad, topped with a garlic and lemon balsamic vinaigrette. Ismael added shaved parmesan to his. I don't know how healthy the salad was after that.

We love sandwiches in our house. For a fun Friday night dinner, I made a garlic, chipotle mayonnaise in the food processor. It was the perfect accompaniment to a breaded chicken breast, tomato, and spinach sandwich. I served it with a tangy cabbage and pineapple coleslaw. I also sliced radishes thinly and called them radish "chips." It's a sophisticated approach to lunch-for-dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Yum! Looks like you're having fun getting "mushy" though. Wish I had a Trader Joe's.
