Thursday, January 14, 2010

Little Leo the Lion

Little Leo the lion cub
Loved to romp and play
All day long in the African sun
He'd while the time away.
He'd pounce on scurrying lizards
Sneak up on gazelles that were grazing
Race the tumbling dust balls
And study the hippos bathing.
One day Leo saw a butterfly
Its wings were brightly colored
It glittered orange in the sun
And in the wind, the wings fluttered.
From the tip of a tall blade of grass
To the crest of a gusty breeze
Leo was utterly hypnotized
By the butterfly's buoyant ease.
Through the flowers
Across the plains
And under the shade of a wattle tree
Leo followed the butterfly
Letting the iridescent insect lead.
Before he knew it, he was lost
Alone in an open field
He cried for his Mommy
And roared for his Daddy
But his roar was more like a squeal.
"Oh no!" he thought as he scanned the ground.
"This time I've come too far to be found."
So he lay in the grass
Placed his head on his paws...
Closed his eyes and waited
For the sun to withdraw.
And when the sun began to fade
He remembered the lesson his Daddy had gave.
Should you ever go astray
Believe in your heart
You'll find the way
Sniff the air
And prick your ears
Widen your eyes
And set forth here
Just come back the way you came
Through the flowers
And across the plains.
You are a lion
And lions are strong...
You are my son
And with us you belong.


  1. Awww....made me cry.

    Here's a quote from another Leo (Cohen):

    Fare thee well my nightingale
    I lived but to be near you
    Tho' you are singing somewhere still
    I can no longer hear you

  2. That is too beautiful, Kath. My heart is heavy. I love you.
