Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Aging Gracefully?

As I approach another birthday, I can't help but take stock of my face. And the verdict is...drumroll please...it's ok. Yes, only ok. Not great, not horrible. But somewhere in the middle. My friend Heather has been rather vigilante lately about finding a moisturizer that will combat her wrinkles. I've been mildly successful at keeping my wrinkles at bay. (The dark circles are another issue.) I even pampered myself last weekend with a Detoxifying Masque from PurMinerals.

Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and see for yourself...the Incredible Purple Faced Woman!

Following on Heather's heels (and per her recommendation), I've scoured the internet--namely DermaDoctor--and found VaniCream. It's my new bedtime moisturizer, and it's on sale right now at Walgreens for $13.99. The reviews rave about its magical ability to cure eczema and severe dry skin. I slather it on my face and my body after my nightly shower. So far, I like it!

Fish Sauce, Baby!

You're not really Vietnamese unless you like fish sauce. And you're not really a Vietnamese cook unless you can make it. For years, I made batches of fish sauce that were merely edible, at best. One winter my parents came to visit, and my dad taught me how to make his fabulous fish sauce--the best I've ever had! So today, I rolled up my sleeves, and painstakingly mashed the green chilis and garlic. To that paste, I squeezed about six limes. Then I spooned granulated sugar into the bowl until the sugar mound met the height of the lime juice. Next I poured raw fish sauce into the bowl until the mixture reached a dark caramel color. I carefully stirred, feeling the sugar slowly dissolve into the liquids. I added a little bit of boiling water, just to cut the acidity of the fish sauce and lime juice (a trick my mom taught me). Lastly, I added red chili garlic sauce to give it beautiful color.

Immediately following my bravissimo creation, I made salmon spring rolls to dip in my sensational fish sauce. Feast your eyes on my most exotic lunch. So good...

Overdue Food Entry

In exactly five days, I will turn 35. Yikes! And although I may not be where I thought I'd be by this age, one thing is certain. I sure do eat well.

If you've ever watched Top Chef, then you've heard of Todd English. English is a celebrity chef and restaurateur with at least ten restaurants under his name. One day I had a skirt steak filet, and didn't know what to do with it. A quick google search turned up a Todd English balsamic skirt steak marinade that knocked our socks off. We had it with sauteed vegetables, steamed corn, and mashed potatoes with gravy. Ismael couldn't stop giving me kisses throughout dinner.

Ismael had a hankering for cheesy enchiladas one night, and he made these ooh-y, gooey, oh-so-cheesy Enchiladas Rojas con Pollo. We topped them with lettuce, tomato, onion, and sour cream.

Sometimes, I like to veer off the "green salad path." After all, there is only so much green salad one can eat throughout the week before it gets really, really, mundane. Behold! My Jicama Mango Summer Salad is comprised of jicama, mango, cucumber, and cilantro. Sprinkled with salt, cayenne powder, and lime juice, it's totally refreshing!

My mom came for two and a half weeks in March. She couldn't have come soon enough because I had begun to dream about Vietnamese food. Her first creation was Vietnamese Crab Soup, one of my childhood favorites. You eat it with noodles, topped with a healthy helping of fresh herbs and bean sprouts.

My all time favorite soup is Sour Vietnamese Fish Soup, or "Canh Chua." No one makes this better than my mom. When you order it in a restaurant, they barely use any vegetables. My mom, however, makes it exactly the way I like it.

The only thing better than Ismael's enchiladas rojas are his Enchiladas Verdes. The perfect balance of pasilla flavor and creamy texture, we eat it with buttered rice and pickled onions.